Progress on Artificial Intelligence will benefit us if it'll be actual progress

There are different definitions of technological progress depending on the topic: in economy is the measure of innovation; in science is the ability to research; in military is the propensity for precision. Do solar panels lead to less pollution? Do vaccines prevent deseases? Do machine guns that shoot 1million bullets in a minute hit their targets? They all do. But are they progress? Depends.
Climate change is the apple of discord: its advocates claim the Earth will be unliveable; its deniers claims it's a plot to stifle economic growth. It's true for petrostates that have nothing but the oil but for advanced nations with diversified economies is the exam to mentally enter the 21st century. Donald Trump brags about being the president of the coolest nation in the world but his thinking suggests otherwise. Solar panels and wind turbines are the greatest tool to reduce pollution and store energy. Why using oil, gas and nuclear when we have the Sun? Keep absurd arguments for yourself. Renewable energy is progress.
Vaccines are the basis for curing desease, no doubts about. There's the need to research new drugs because new deseases, bioweapons included since they're a thing, are discovered. The «conspiracy theory» about vaccines is that they cause autism. In Italy the Court Of Cassation ruled that an high amount of mercury (normally is 25 micrograms) is responsible for autism when injected inside the infant. I advocate for transparency and the last thing I want is a race for Coronavirus to make money. Big Pharma isn't progress.
The machine gun i referred in the third line exists: is called Metal Storm 36 Barrel Prototype and was unveiled in 1997. 23 years ago. Let us realize that after 71 years nobody have designed a better assault rifle than Kalashnikov. Nowadays big steps have been made on precision bombs (intended to reduce civilian casualties), hydrogen bomb (as if the nuclear wasn't a shame enough) and the artificial intelligence. Do you think the AI are only the robots working in supply chains, taking jobs away from humans? Think twice, robot killers are becoming a thing. Pacifism is progress.
Oh, i forgot domestic entertainment. 9th-gen consoles. Judging from their presentations, it's a revival of the 7th-gen fight but parts switched: Playstation 5 less powerful more malleable, Xbox Series X more powerful less malleable. Playstation 3 struggled to express its maximum potential due to its CPU very difficult to program and i expect XSX to struggle too. "PS3's Cell is by far stronger than new Intel CPUs", argued Guerrilla Games' co-director Michiel Van Der Leeuw 5 months ago. Despite the hype, the new generation will remain weaker than an average PC gameing. Spending $400+  to see strands of hair floating isn't progress.
Mobile phones bore me. Innovation at iPhone stopped when Steve Jobs died. Is so difficult to implement a decent camera and a more flexible operating system? They're miles behind Samsung (loyalist here) that would conquer 50% of the market if some models weren't overcharged. To be fair, in quality/price ratio both sucks. Huawei is progress, a watch isn't progress.
