Rest in peace antidoping

Believing in professional clean sports is like believing in unicorns: you hope they exist because you wanna ride those flying fairy-like horses but who lives in hope dies in despair. Until 1980s, doping was an open secret and moreless accepted. After the DDR "scandal", doping was criminalized altogheter and athletes took interest in nationality changes to skirt domestic competition. London Olympics are the dirtiest in terms of positive antidoping tests. Athletes' lobbying succeeded. Meldonium inventor's lobbying has failed since 2016, when the substance was first added to the Prohibited Substances List. Is Meldonium a performance enhancing substance? Chemistry says no but cost Maria Sharapova her career. The u.s Congress, with its history of weaponizing everything, approved the Rodchenkov Act that basically usurpes the "World Anti Doping" (quotation marks due) Agency of its authority to investigate doping worldwide. «American exceptionalism» apologists are enthusiast, those loving sport don't.
Dear Geoff, want an alternative viable solution? Disband this WADA (headquartered in Canada) and create a new one that is truly independent and equally represents each nation, starting from having its own tribunal. You can challenge every sporting decision in the Court of Arbitration for Sport based in Lausanne: if it isn't successful, you can appel to the Swiss Federal Supreme Court (that has an overrule ratio of 1 in 1.000). Only swiss law matters at the end. Let's be serious: would you rely on a man that underwent multiple surgeries to change aspect in order to not be traced?
CAS has yet to judge. The suspicion of WADA having double standards was first unmasked by the hacking group Fancy Bears. They releaved a long list of athletes making use of PEDs (prednisolone and shit like that) but granted as therapeutic use exemptions since they declared to suffer from certain deseases. They are legalized doping. A WADA study revealed no meaningful link between TUEs and the likelihood of winning aHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH i'm laughing since yesterday, the classic case of inspector that inspects the inspected.
Anonymous? What about transparency. They banned the laboratory in Moscow (unclear where russian athletes competing under neutral flag are tested) instead of launching a receivership reform that would set a precedent for other cases. Show me what you got Linda Helleland, you speaking of reforms and zero tolerance, and lead that receivership phisically. Calls for WADA to be disbanded were echoed not because of its wrongdoing but because the RUSADA was reinstated. Of course cheating athletes must be banned for life but collective punishment is a war crime also in peacetime.
I endorse the campaign of Alex Schwazer. Despite the Reparto Investigazioni Scientifiche of Parma proved his samples were altered, his disqualification is holding. The system has no credibility left. Will the Cologne laboratory's accreditation be revoked and what will happen to other athletes tested positive? Russia was the scapegoat, the "if i can't beat her i disqualify her" applied to Yelena Isinbayeva. If i can't beat her in court, i give her a sit at the IOC.
