Two sides of the same extremist coin

As an italian i regret my government is motionless in front of the chaos inside Libya. Don't get me wrong, i'm anti-imperialist but national security is at stake. Italy is the southern flank from where refugees (sometimes illegal migrants) enter the continent. I deplore wars for the sake of oil and corporate interests but when it comes to human and drug trafficking every option is on the table.
Officially the vessel is part of the European Union's Operation Irini which has the aim of enforcing the UN arms embargo, de facto is useless since arms smuggling is directioned from air. The Government of National Accord and Libyan National Army are divided on everything but rejecting the mission. There was a contradiction about an italian fishing vessel detained in february: was attributed on the LNA but the vessel was taken to the port of Misrata, controlled by the GNA.
NATO vs NATO is my favourite spat. France had an interest in spotting the carrier: it supports Haftar (Total wants the oil fields in contrast of Eni struggling to keep theirs legally contracted). French imperialists consider Africa their colony. Some statistics: LNA controls more than 90% of the territory (mostly desert) but less than 50% of the population; 9 out of 15 ports and almost all the oil fields. The Parliament in Tobruk is the only institution democratically elected. Despite recent small GNA victories with the direct turkish help, cost tens of lost drones, it's far from winning altoghter.
GNA is made of takfiri Muslim Brotherhood, LNA of wahabi madkhalis. Tribes switch side with the same frequence they change underwear. Then there's the mercenary issue: sudanese in LNA ranks and syrian in GNA ranks, recruited by their primary backers. It's not a civil war, is a proxy war between Turkey and United Arab Emirated for Meditarrean Sea dominance, culminated with the Serraj-Erdogan maritime boundary agreement that unhinges the foundations of geography.
Healthy greek irony. The problem with those mercenaries is that they are low quality: sudanese are famouse for having been toasted in Yemen; Wagner Group is a salad of orphanes and poorly paid workers lured by a salary 10x, seasoned with retired military officers. Despite their curricula, Saudi Arabia and UAE has funded them. The former second wealthiest african nation is experiencing the first ever «mercenary-on-mercenary war», a free for all gametype that puts Call Of Duty to shame.
Tunisia is a lost cause. As Assad is perceived too much under iranian influence, Haftar is perceived too much under emirati influence; "how can i boost him without boosting his masters?" asks Russia itself. As Turkey is a NATO member, Israel is an EastMed member; "how can i boost both at the same time?" asks USA itself. They're on the same side and the side is called Khalifa Haftar. Where was AFRICOM before? Russian military presence isn't about Tripoli but securing the oil-rich east (a Syria in reserve). The mainstream media took real interest in the war when the «boogeyman» set footprints. The Skhirat Agreement is dead, long live the Skhirat Agreement.
